(Click here to learn how to read a Big V Feed Tag)
- Crude Protein, min. …………………………………12.00%
- Crude Fat, min. ………………..…….…………………..5.00%
- Crude Fiber, max…………..………………………….12.00%
- Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF), max…………. 16.22%
- Calcium (Ca), min. ……..0.75%, max. …………1.25%
- Phosphorus (P), min. …………….…………………0.75%
- Potassium (K), min. ……………..…..….…………….1.00%
- Selenium, (Se), min…………………………………. 0.25 ppm
Processed Grain By-Products, Grain Products, Roughage Products, Molasses Products, Calcium Carbonate, Natural and Artificial Flavor Ingredients.
Feed as a top dress, or mix with other feed along with hay or other roughages. Introduce supplement at the rate of 4 to 8 ozs. per head per day. Gradually increase feed to desired intake (maximum feed rate for large animal- 2 lbs., small animal- 1 lb.). For self feeders, blend 25 to 30 lbs. of Natures Re-Pellet with approximately 200 lbs. of feed.
Allow at least seven days for adjustment to new supplement. Provide adequate bunk space for each animal and a source of fresh, clean water at all times.
In groups, animals can experience digestive disturbances from over-eating feed. Poor feeding practices, weather changes and enterotoxemia can result in erratic feed consumption and increase the incidence of digestive problems. Always follow directions and good management practices.