14% Topnotch Creep

14% Topnotch CreepProduct Code: 0210

For weaned beef cattle on pasture

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  • Crude Protein, min………………………14.00%
  • Crude Fat, min……………………………..3.00%
  • Crude Fiber, max………………………..10.00%
  • Calcium (Ca), min…………………………0.75%
  • Calcium (Ca), max………………………..1.25%
  • Phosphorus (P), min……………………..0.70%
  • Salt (NaCl), min……………………………0.75%
  • Salt (NaCl), max…………………………..1.25%
  • Potassium (K), min……………………….1.00%


Processed Grain By-Products, Grain Products, Plant Protein Products, Roughage Products, Molasses Products, Magnesium Mica, Calcium Carbonate, and Salt.


For pre-weaned and weaned cattle, feed up to 2% of bodyweight along with hay or other roughages. Introduce feed at the rate of 2 to 3 lbs. per head per day. Gradually increase feed to desired intake or weight gain. Allow at least five days for animals to adjust to new ration. Provide adequate bunk space for each animal and a source of fresh, clean water at all times.

In groups of cattle, animals can experience digestive disturbances from over-eating feed. Poor feeding practices, weather changes and enterotoxemia can result in erratic feed consumption and increase the incidence of digestive problems. Always follow directions and good management practices.